Cryptocurrencies have broken almost all of their major promises

The crypto market has not been kind to “investors” lately. The market has been near free-fall, and within the first quarter of the year, we’ve seen so many things going south about cryptocurrencies, and it seems almost all the promises that BitCoin and cryptocurrencies promised were a lie. So what are these promises that cryptocurrencies have failed to deliver? ...

June 14, 2022 · Rukshan

Web 3 Tutorial - How to upload and serve files in IPFS network using NodeJs

Web3 is fascinating and uncharted territory. Recently, I decided to learn a few things about Web3 technologies. Even though I had some basic ideas about the blockchain and NFTs, I’ve never tried writing a program for Web3. ...

May 17, 2022 · Rukshan

BitClout is a scam, change my mind.

Clubhouse is like a blackhole for your time, it’s no wonder why everyone in the valley are interested about it. And two things that fills at least 25% of my feed are NFT and BitClout. ...

April 6, 2021 · Rukshan