Geneva Digital Health Day 2024

The month of May ended me attending the Geneva digital health day, and event following the Geneva health forum. The event was at Campus Biotech, where people get together to talk about the future on digital health. ...

June 9, 2024 · Rukshan

Installing DHIS2 on a Windows Server

Recently a college contacted me asking how they can install DHIS2 on a Windows server which they have just received on their premises. Since most tutorials available on the internet discuss installing DHIS2 on a server running a Linux distribution, he was finding it difficult to follow the steps outlined in those tutorials. ...

February 10, 2023 · Rukshan

The Sri Lankan Data Protection Act, And Its Impact on Digital Health

The data protection act in Sri Lanka is a highly awaited and timely act to enable data protection in Sri Lanka. It was passed in the parliament on 9th March 2022 [1]. Even though there are similar acts to protect personal data in other countries such as the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) since 1996 and the GDPR (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) since 2016. ...

August 26, 2022 · Rukshan