Codeberg a GitHub Alternative From Europe

Recently I started migrating my note-taking from Notion to Obsidian. Obsidian does not offer free syncing between devices and you will have to manually set up a method to sync your notes, either by using something like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Git. ...

October 17, 2022 · Rukshan

The rings of share - the unsolved problem of sharing

Recently (last Saturday), I went to the Colombo Street Food Festival. It was a bit crowded for my liking but had awesome music and good beer. I snapped some photos of the event, recorded some clips of the music, and snapped some more photos with the others who I went to the festival with. ...

September 26, 2022 · Rukshan

Medium and Google is not a good combination

I know this is going to sound just like another complaint against Google, but I want my Google results to be better. ...

August 30, 2022 · Rukshan

The Sri Lankan Data Protection Act, And Its Impact on Digital Health

The data protection act in Sri Lanka is a highly awaited and timely act to enable data protection in Sri Lanka. It was passed in the parliament on 9th March 2022 [1]. Even though there are similar acts to protect personal data in other countries such as the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) since 1996 and the GDPR (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) since 2016. ...

August 26, 2022 · Rukshan

People who don't use RSS don't know what they are missing out.

RSS is a great piece of technology that people who use the internet today are unaware of or not using. There has not been any significant development in RSS for the last 10 years, and that’s fine. ...

July 25, 2022 · Rukshan

Designing is easy, implementation is hard

Sri Lanka is facing a never before seen fuel crisis due to the nation’s foreign exchange crisis. While scrolling through my Twitter feed, I came across a tweet from someone suggesting why no one is creating a database to track fuel distribution, accoring by doing that fuel can be distributed equally among everyone, and prevent hoarding and black markets. ...

July 17, 2022 · Rukshan

Cryptocurrencies have broken almost all of their major promises

The crypto market has not been kind to “investors” lately. The market has been near free-fall, and within the first quarter of the year, we’ve seen so many things going south about cryptocurrencies, and it seems almost all the promises that BitCoin and cryptocurrencies promised were a lie. So what are these promises that cryptocurrencies have failed to deliver? ...

June 14, 2022 · Rukshan

I'm Switching from VS Code to VS Codium

VS Code has been my primary text editor/ IDE for several years. “Brackets” was my initial IDE for web development, then I moved to “Atom” and ended up with VS Code. ...

June 11, 2022 · Rukshan

Why do Javascript frameworks get increasingly difficult over time?

There are so many JavaScript frameworks, and new frameworks come out every few months. I know some people hate to see new frameworks coming up in JavaScript because there are so many, and some insist on using vanilla JavaScript. ...

June 7, 2022 · Rukshan

Re: Why we stopped making Einsteins? No we did not.

Recently I came across a post, called “Why we stopped making Einsteins“. The main argument is that we are not producing “geniuses” as we used to and it’s the fault of the current education system. It’s a very interesting post and I suggest everyone go read it. ...

May 31, 2022 · Rukshan