Why JavaScript dialogs (alert/prompt/confirm) are not widely used?

Recently I started working on a small open-source project side project with Vue, and I wanted to create yes/no dialog (basically a model) which will show a notification with a confirm and cancel button. So users can confirm or cancel an event. ...

June 15, 2021 · Rukshan

Clones are good

Replit was a service that I was using as a tool where my colleagues were able to run some code snippets online to learn some concepts which I wanted to teach. ...

June 8, 2021 · Rukshan

Can a company vendor lock patient data?

When I first started my new blog, I wanted to post at least one post a week. But just like everything else I have not being able to post at least one blog post per week. ...

May 28, 2021 · Rukshan

Recycle Bin by Facebook

Facebook likes to collect as much data as possible, and they will try to retain your data as long as possible. This is why you can’t delete your Facebook or Instagram account for one month. They are slowly opening up WhatsApp so the data you communicate with businesses are available for Facebook. Because at the end of the day the data on what you communicate, how you interact with a business, and what businesses you are interested in communicating is more valuable than what you communicate with your friends, ...

May 13, 2021 · Rukshan

Why textareas can't grow?

Textareas are a basic and and an important element in any website UI. You might need textareas for a comment section, chat box, etc. ...

May 1, 2021 · Rukshan

BitClout is a scam, change my mind.

Clubhouse is like a blackhole for your time, it’s no wonder why everyone in the valley are interested about it. And two things that fills at least 25% of my feed are NFT and BitClout. ...

April 6, 2021 · Rukshan

The good, the bad and the ugly side of Clubhouse

Today I complete my first week in clubhouse, the audio only social network, which according to some the hottest startup currently available on the internet, while Facebook, Twitter trying to copy the idea and incorporate it on to their own social networks. ...

March 30, 2021 · Rukshan

Your ego can kill your idea before anything else

You’re a creator, you have been working on your idea for few months. The MVP is ready, it’s time to launch your product. You tell about it on ProductHunt, HackerNews, Reddit, Facebook etc. ...

March 21, 2021 · Rukshan

First launch review - YaluKids

I wanted to write something like this for a while, to look at a launch and dissect it and do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). ...

March 20, 2021 · Rukshan

The impossible task of blocking disposable email signups

When a user signs up for a service most of the time they have to share their email address. When a potential user shares an email address with a service during signup, within that sharing there is benefit for both the user and the service. ...

March 14, 2021 · Rukshan