Work on interesting problems. Not interesting technologies.

When I first began learning programming with basic and pascal, our computer class started teaching us Java. As for a 10 year old it was hard for me to grasp the concept of object oriented programming. It took me another 10 years to partially grasp the concept of OOP, and another 10 years to completely understand OOP. ...

September 10, 2021 · Rukshan

When I used to collect computer viruses

Today I was having a lecture about information security and information security law. I just started the module and this is the third lecture about the topic. And todays lecture was about different IT threats that an health information system would face. The lecture mainly revolved around malware. During the lecture, the teacher told a point that most malware today are written for profit, and ransomware are popular today because it’s a get rich scheme for malware writers. ...

September 1, 2021 · Rukshan

Coming Full Circle

This was initially posted as a thread on Twitter, but I decided to add some context and expand it more on the blog. ...

August 5, 2021 · Rukshan

My Journey In Deleting Facebook and Instagram Accounts

In April I made a decision that I wanted to make for a very long time. Delete my Facebook and Instagram accounts. I wanted to delete my Facebook and IG accounts for a while. I have even applied to delete my account several times in the past, only to reactivate it within few days. However, this time it was different. I was committed. ...

July 22, 2021 · Rukshan

Buddhism and Meditation Is Not The Same.

Today I got to read a post titled “When Buddhism Goes Bad”, the title incised me to read it. Even though I was born as a Buddhist I never gave Buddhism much of a thought other than trying to pass my exam in region at school. Then since I learned biology, and had interest in technology for almost 30 years the only religion I believed was science. ...

July 20, 2021 · Rukshan

3 Important Lessons I Learnt Working At A Covid-19 ICU

I’m writing a blog post after a very long time. This is because I was appointed to work at a COVID-19 intensive care unit for 2 months, and I was busy working there. When I started my work in May the COVID-19 cases were on the rise, and there were not enough doctors to take care of them. So me and some of my colleagues were taken out from our routine course-work from my Health Informatics MSc and was sent to different treatment centers around the country to take care of the rising COVID-19 case load. ...

July 16, 2021 · Rukshan