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Recently this post making rounds on some of the dev community groups which I’m a part of on Facebook. ...

January 28, 2021 · Rukshan

Run GraphQL server with Express in NuxtJS

Since I use Vue for almost all of my projects, if I’m making an application that requires routing and server side rendering (for SEO), I use NuxtJS. ...

January 27, 2021 · Rukshan

The value of targeted advertising

This post will might be the post that will roast me the most. But before triggering your fingers just by reading the title I would like everyone to read my post, and read my argument before jumping in to conclusions. ...

January 27, 2021 · Rukshan

Do you believe in fail fast and fail quickly?

The first month of 2021 is a bad month to begin with, I always say to myself that we need to fail fast and fail quickly, but failing is not a pleasant experience. ...

January 26, 2021 · Rukshan

Why I switched to WordPress

Recently I read a post which said that the White House official website will be now powered by WordPress. ...

January 24, 2021 · Rukshan

Have you ever tried blocking WhatsApp from your router?

In a previous post I wrote that I live in a part of the world that does not provide unlimited internet. ...

January 23, 2021 · Rukshan

Who is sending these mysterious 2FA codes?

I read a recent post titled “That’s not how 2FA works”, it was an interesting read. ...

January 20, 2021 · Rukshan

Too much hustling can kill you

When you are young, you feel like you’re invincible. You feel as if you’re on a road to wold domination. ...

January 19, 2021 · Rukshan

What‘s the use of LinkedIn?

My linked in profile is the first search result that appears if I searched my name. Not my Twitter, Instagram or my blogs. Because those are the places I usually hangout in public, not LinkedIn. ...

January 18, 2021 · Rukshan

Why teaching programming is so difficult?

Like I said in one of my previous posts, I just started my first semester in my MSc in health informatics. And the first semester has a module for object oriented programming. ...

January 16, 2021 · Rukshan