Reddit can't build a better search engine

Every week or twice a week, you will come across a post on HackerNews that Google is dying or Google is awful. There are some valid points to some of their arguments. However,

Ideas that have been beaten to death

Recently I was browsing Product Hunt and I was aimlessly scrolling down to see if there are any interesting ideas. I was seeing one recurring idea, popping up once in every few weeks.

Every organization needs a CTO

Recently I was shown a product marketing itself as providing geological data layer for apps. A sketchy product at a glance and maybe scammy in the worst case. The developer is unable to

A basic introduction to Git

GIT is a part of the toolkit of every good developer. Just like the terminal, you should be good at GIT. Yes sure you can develop without GIT, but learning GIT is a

Aren't we all professional Googlers?

Recently I was recommended a YouTube video titled “How to Google like a senior software engineer”. It was showing some Google dorks to filter out results so you can find the exact solution